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Текст песни Grace - Just Look Away
Текст песни Grace - Just Look Away

These are the songs
That can't get back to you
I don't want you to know what I think
I don't want you to know what makes me break
If I catch your eye
Just Look Away
Just let a girl be on her way
Cause right know it's crystal clear
I could break like glass
So just leave a girl alone
I'm just the wind rustling the grass

And if I move real slow
And wait up until after dark
You'll notice I paint my face
And vanish and leave no trace
If I catch your eye Just let a girl be on her way
Cause right now it's crystal clear
I could break like glass
Just leave the girl alone
I'm just the wind rustling the grass

So let me slide on by
Don't tempt me with your lullaby
It's dangerous around these parts
Wouldn't stay here much after dark
If I catch your eye
Just Look Away
Just let a girl be on her way
Cause right now it's crystal clear
I could break like glass
So leave a girl alone
I don't think it's too much to ask

Repeat the first verse

I'm not a robber but i'm running with a wanted man
A freedom fighter doing all he can
I'm not a robber, I'm not a robber,
I'm not a robber but I'm running with a wanted man.
Категория: Музыка | Добавил: trim (02.06.2011)
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